Tips From a Young Writer: Editing
Originally Posted on Knitted By God's Plan Did your villain really put on a pair of dirty R ocks? The proposal scene between hero and heroine is completely sappy and/or cheesy. You never did figure out what happened after the villain trapped the hero's younger sister on that island ... in fact, you completely forgot that your hero had had a sister! Somehow, the words you see on the paper/computer screen is nothing like the words you remember spilling out of your fingers. So what do you do? Do you crawl into bed, pull the blanket over your head, and decide that you will never write again, if all you can write is this horrid mess? Surely a good author wouldn't have made these horrid mistakes! Let me let you in on a little secret. Every writer makes mistakes. Every book starts out horrid. Even the greatest books in the world have gone through the horrid stage called first draft. You're not alone. Welcome to the world of editing. Editing? You ask. Did you j...