Indie e-Con

Do you have a work of Indie Fiction that you love fangirling over? Are you interested in self-publishing yourself, but don't know where to start? Do you love the idea of Comic Con, but can't afford to go?

Then Indie e-Con is the place for you. 100% online, you can attend wherever you live and no matter your funds.

Indie e-Con has the goal of helping connect readers with authors. 2017's theme was the Indie publication process, and in 2018, we're focusing on genres.

We'll be doing a few other things differently this year, mostly to streamline the process and make it possible for this to be an even bigger year than last!

See our 2018 authors!
2018 Writing Contest
2018 Book Awards

Schedule(subject to change):
January 1st - Writing Contest Opens and Author Sign-up Begins
March 1st - Book Award Submission Opens

May 1st - Author Sign-up Closes and Critiquing Submissions opens
May 1-5th Book Award Nominees are Free/99cents
May 6th - GiraffeCrafts Posting Schedule Finalized
May 14th - Deadline to send in posts, Critiquing Submissions closes
May 15th - Critiquing sent to the editors.
May 19th - Blog Scavenger Hunt and FB Party
May 20th - Deadline to send back Critiques
May 21st-26th Indie e-Con
Monday - Fantasy
Tuesday - Historical Fiction
Wednesday - Contemporary
Thursday - Science Fiction
Friday - Romance
Saturday - Mystery

May 29th - Winners Announced.

Are you an author and interested in joining? Click here!

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