Indie e-Con Day 3 - HiFi Wrap-up!

And that was historical fiction. Thanks so much for joining us for this trip through the past.

Don't forget to put your day's word count for the wordcount in the comments below. (Also, Go Teen Writers' 100-4-100 starts tomorrow! Is anyone else taking part? What are you working on? I'm going to work on Rose Petals and Snowflakes, the first of my Austen-Fairy Tale mashup collection.)

Recap time!

Game: First Lines
Author Panel
Show and Tell

Era: Medieval with Katy Huth Jones
Era: Georgian/Regency/Victorian with Kellyn Roth
Westerns with Faith Blum
Children's Time Travel with Sarah Allerding
Christian Themes with Jesseca Wheaton
Research with Ivy Rose
Accurate Dialogue with Kelsey Bryant
Newspapers with Guy Worthy

When There Isn't Much to Know with Tammy Lash
Is Research Worth it with Jenelle Shmidt
Female Pilots with Guy Worthy
Writing Authentically with Jesseca Wheaton
Victorian Era with Kellyn Roth

Don't forget, the person who leaves the most comments across ALL of the Indie e-Con posts will win a special prize package.
If you leave a review on the book of any Indie e-Con author THIS WEEK on your blog or on Goodreads, you can enter it towards another giveaway. (Right now, I don't have any entries ... don't make me write one and have to award myself!)
Sharing the posts via social media (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, ect.) gives you a chance to enter for MORE prizes! (Right now, Sarah Taleweaver has all of the entries here - someone give this girl some competition!)
Don't forget to vote in the Book Awards!

See you all tomorrow! Happy Writing!


  1. I'm doing the 100-4-100 challenge. I'll finish up Fight Song to start, then focus on Dust of Silver. I might cheat a little by switching over to Mechanical Heart for July Camp, though.
    As far as reviews go, I'm currently in the middle of rereading Songkeeper in preparation for the Song of Liera release. But if I have time, I'll try to read and review something before the giveaway ends.

    1. Yay! Another friend doing 100-for-100! *highfive* Its one of my favorite challenges, I'm so excited that it starts today ;D

      ~ Savannah
      Inspiring Writes

    2. *hi5s back* Same! It's nice, pressure than NaNoWriMo. I still need to get my writing for the day in, though . . .

  2. *laughing so hard about the Sarah Taleweaver thing* XD


    2. Like, I was literally thinking when you announced this comment thing again "just give it to Sarah already". XD But Savannah's impressively commenting too! I just haven't had time to read all the posts. XD

    3. Oh storms, I totally missed that bit. xD Yes, someone, give me competition. Though that makes me feel better about the number of times I've shared/pinned things.
      Also, someone's keeping up with me in the comments race? Good to know . . .

    4. Hahaha, YES - I'm going to give you a run for your money, Sarah! ;D (well - hopefully. I have to rewrite my novella, Forgotten, into a full novel within a month and a half, so I might be too busy! BUT I SHALL TRY)

      ~ Savannah
      Inspiring Writes

    5. @Savannah: Oooh, best of luck with the competition and the novella!

  3. Ooo! That first line game is very cool! Alas, I'm too far behind to catch up this go-round. But eventually I might be contender. Contender, I say!

  4. 286 words for yesterday! Ah...Definitely not my best, but I'm hoping to make up for it soon ;)

    ~ Savannah
    Inspiring Writes


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